Home Add logo and description to shipping methods

Add logo and description to shipping methods

Extension tags:
E-Commerce Extension
E-Commerce - Shipping

This extension lets you add a description and a carrier logo to all WooCommerce shipping methods on cart and checkout pages.

It is compatible with multilingual sites.

Help shoppers choose shipping methods easier with custom shipping logos and/or descriptions. The extension allows shop owners to add custom logos with descriptions to make shipping methods clear and attractive.

You can customize icons with custom images or carrier logos.

The description and logos will be added on cart and checkout pages.


Custom logos and descriptions help your customers choose their shipping methods easier.

How it works

The extension adds new description and logo for each shipping method. When set, those will appear on the cart and checkout pages.
Add logo and description to shipping methods

Setup & options

Below is the list with all the options for this extension:

Option Meta Key
Enable (Yes/No) When enabled, you will see additional fields on each shipping method on the admin.