Home Google Maps

Google Maps

Extension tags:
Third party integration
General purpose extensions

Explore the World with the Google Maps extension:

  • Easy and Fast Integration: Enter your Google Maps API key in your integration settings area and start adding interactive maps to different parts of your website in just a few steps.
Cómo integrar Google Maps en tu Página Web Pomatio
  • Total Customization of Maps: Add your own JSON styles so that the maps align with the visual identity of your brand, creating a consistent and appealing user experience.
Cómo integrar Google Maps en tu Página Web Pomatio
  • Advanced Google Maps Features: Enjoy all the advanced features and tools that Google Maps offers, such as route directions, satellite view, Street View, and much more.
Cómo integrar Google Maps en tu Página Web Pomatio

Why Use the Google Maps Extension for Your Website?

  • Facilitates User Navigation: With interactive maps on your site, your visitors can easily find your location, nearby points of interest, and directions to get there.
  • Enhances User Experience: Provide a rich and engaging user experience with customized maps that reflect the visual identity of your brand, thereby increasing user retention and satisfaction.
Cómo integrar Google Maps en tu Página Web Pomatio
  • Show Your Location and Points of Interest: Highlight the location of your company, branches, events, or important places using interactive maps that allow your users to explore and learn more about your business.

Configuration and Options:

Cómo integrar Google Maps en tu Página Web Pomatio
  • Add your Google Maps API key in the integration settings area to start using the extension on your website securely and protected.
  • Customize the styles of your maps with JSON to reflect the visual identity of your brand, adjusting colors, icons, and elements for a unique and consistent appearance.
  • Explore the different functionalities and tools of Google Maps to add route directions, satellite view, Street View, and other features that will enrich the experience of your users.

With the Google Maps extension, facilitate navigation, enhance the user experience, and showcase your location attractively on your website. Add custom interactive maps and discover the world from the comfort of your web page with this powerful location tool!