Packed with ultra advanced features

Additional JS & CSS

If you feel in the mood to get techie with styles, sky is the limit! Add as many CSS and JS as you wish. Globally or limited to just some posts or pages of your choice.

GDPR compliance:

You can set custom GDPR clauses and require acceptance on any forms created with Pomatio’s form builder to make sure you comply with Europe’s GDPR and privacy laws.

Cookie management:

Set the cookies your site is using within Pomatio’s options and group them by category (essential, marketing, analytics, etc.), displaying a required acceptance popup on frontend that automatically blocks unaccepted cookies.

Custom query management

Create queries with your own criteria and use them later for feeds of any post type, faceted search content finders, related content and much more.

Custom image sizes

Create your own custom image sizes and use them all across your site: feeds, image blocks, galleries…

Modal AJAX content

Load any post type’s content on a modal box via AJAX. This feature provides Pomatio with a seamless UX for its users.

Faceted search

Faceted Search is a technique for accessing information organized according to a faceted classification system, allowing users to explore a collection of information by applying various filters.

With Pomatio you can easily create this kind of advanced search engines and use them for any post type with your own taxonomies and criteria.

Search filters

There is a wide range of filter types: ranges, checkboxes, radios, dropdowns, text search, color pickers, etc. Your faceted search will be tailored to your content.

Dynamic AJAX feeds

Faceted Search works with AJAX and can be displayed with your own feed layouts, mixing custom metas, taxonomies, content, excerpt, attributes…

Show search results on a map

You can dynamically display search engine results on an advanced Google Map, have them automatically update when you filter results, and even make your markers stand out when hovering over traditional feed results, creating AirBnB-like experiences!

A geek's heaven

The most powerful WordPress based web building framework ever

Our futuristic engineering and rock solid code will blow your mind!

Pomatio is much more than a bunch of plugins and a theme, mixing thousands of features with a powerful infrastructure, it allows you to create virtually any kind of web application you can imagine.

Custom WP REST API endpoints

Pomatio offers all you need to create a full-featured web application based on WordPress. We extend native APIs to improve integrability.

Internal tools to automate boring tasks

In Pomatio, we have tools to assist you with your task automations, such as our custom WP-CLI commands, ability to mass enable tweaks, to clone sites or content for you…

Ultra extendible and developer friendly (highly customizable in every single aspect).

Pomatio strictly follows all of the standard WordPress coding standards and techniques. This includes adding dozens of hooks and creating multiple helper functions you can use.

If you want to help us improve our software, you can do it with pull requests or by sharing gists with us.

Easily extend component and assets compilation system

Declare new components with one single line of code.

Tons of hooks let you customize everything easily.

Loaded with both action and filter hooks in every relevant part of your site.

Meet Pomatio Framework.

Pomatio comes packaged with Pomatio Framework, a forms, inputs, settings interfaces and metabox building framework.

Custom input types that you can use and extend in both admin and front.

Repeater fields are included among this input types, which can contain multiple sub-inputs wrapped in each repeatable item.

Extend color palette, button palette or form styles easily

Also add as many more icon libraries to the icon manager as you need, or even remove the ones you won’t need.