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The shopping cart can be customized and has many options to to suit your store’s needs. Give your shoppers a custom experience.

Dropdown cart

The mini cart can be located anywhere in the header, and be displayed as a dropdown with the items the user added to the basket.

Side cart

You can also choose to display the cart as a side panel, that appears on click in the icon located at the header.

Only link to cart

If you prefer a minimal experience, the cart icon can be just a link to the cart page, to avoid distractions.

Cart items badge

The badge with the number of items in the cart is loaded by AJAX, so it is not affected by page cache.

Extensions available for cart

Catalog mode

This extension makes it easy and quick to turn your online store into a catalog, removing all Add to Cart buttons and any references to checkout. More info →

Min-max quantities

Limit the amount of units that can be purchased for a product per order on your online store (set a minimum and maximum quantity required to checkout)... More info →