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Tweak your e-commerce transactional emails or connect them with the best email marketing solutions out there.

Extensions available for e-commerce emails:

ActiveCampaign integration - Pomatio


This is the official extension for syncing ActiveCampaign and WooCommerce. ActiveCampaign is austomer experience automation platform with powerful ema... More info →

Sendinblue integration - Pomatio


This is the official extension for syncing your site with Sendinblue, both for stores and regular sites. Easily integrate custom subscription forms in... More info →

Add CSS to emails

Add your own CSS rules to your WooCommerce transactional emails to fine-tune their styles and make them look just like you! More info →

MailChimp Logo


This is the official extension for syncing MailChimp and WooCommerce. You can add many automations such as Abandoned Cart, Welcome emails, Product Ret... More info →